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A Model focused on individuals in relation to the Bedroom and Bed.

Part I

qamothersbedroom = conniecascio1y1 +janetarvizo2y2 + xzyz

Part II

conniecascio1y1 = FrankEddieAldocascio1b1 + mj2b2 + bed3b3 + pajamas4b4 + alarm5b5 + susbstances6b6 + cleanliness7b7 + knowledge8b8 + azbz

janetarvizo2y2 = GavinStararvizo1b1 + mj2b2 + bed3b3 + pajamas4b4 + alarm5b5 + substances6b6 + cleanliness7b7 + knowledge8b8 + azbz

Part III

conniecascio1y1 = FrankEddieAldocascio1(the cascio 3 boys sleep)1 + mj2(mj sleep)2 + bed3(all in bed in bedroom)3 + pajamas4(the cascio 3 boys in pajamas and mj)4 +  alarm5(notifying entering bedroom)5 + substances6(adult substances/drugs)6 + cleanliness7(room a hoarded mess)7 + knowledge8(conniecascio has knowledge children sleeping in room and bed)8 + azbz

janetarvizo2y2 = GavinStararvizo1(Gavin, Star boys sleep)1 + mj2(mj sleep)2 + bed3(all in bed in bedroom)3 + pajamas4(Gavin, Star boys in pajamas/swets and mj)4 + alarm5(notifying entering bedroom)5 + substances6(adult substances/drugs)6 + cleanliness7(room a hoarded mess)7 + knowledge8(janetarvizo has knowledge children sleeping in room and bed)8 + azbz

Variable of Interest


Mothers have knowledge their children are in pajamas sleeping in bed with Michael in pajamas.

Mothers do not have knowledge of the cleanliness, substances (alcohol, pills, illegal substances). One mother or possibly 2 knows of the alarm when guests enter bedroom.

Unknown Variables


Gifts are given to children. Site shopping spree at Toy r Us.
Gifts are given to Mothers.
Gifts make kids and mothers more responsive to Michaels demands/needs


Computer was used to access pornography from witness testimony. Witness testimony is data or evidence.

Motives For Children Sleeping in Bedroom

To have a sleep over type party
For a loving gesture
To lure boys away from mothers
To molest/sexually assault
For fun


At first glance, it can be determined mother’s have knowledge that their children are sleeping with Michael and in the bed with him. They may feel this is innocent and may not know their children are in danger of being assaulted. A hidden issue is when a direct  question was asked to Janet Arvizo if Gavin has ever been molested. There was not a direct answer no and her stating you do not understand. However, Janet Arvizo proceeded to allow Gavin and Star to sleep in Michael’s bedroom in the same bed when at the Neverland Ranch.

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