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Fox News 411 [ 04/14/06 ]


Published April 14, 2006

Last Update May 19, 2015

Jacko Juror Puts Notes on eBay
By Roger Friedman, Fox News


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Jacko Trial Notes on eBay

It had to happen. I’m surprised no one thought of it before. An alternate juror in last year’s Michael Jackson child molestation trial has put his notebooks on sale on eBay.

The starting bid is $550.

Alternate juror No. 2 was Jeffrey Welbaum, a white 36-year-old male UPS truck driver who had three kids. According to his jury description, he often delivered packages to Neverland.

I do believe this is the balding guy who squinted a lot during testimony he didn’t believe, and was often physically active in his seat. I know he took a lot of notes because I had a direct view of him every day of the trial.

This is how he describes his eBay item: “These are in good condition. I was alternate # 2 in the Michael Jackson Trial. I sat in the jury box for the duration of the trial. I have my original notes and badge and official certificate that says juror # 207 in the Michael Joe Jackson Trial signed by Judge Melville.”

Can you blame him for trying to make some money off the trial? Maybe. But I don’t think so. None of the jurors’ efforts to sell their stories or write books worked. It’s been a year since the jurors sat through what was basically a pointless exercise. Will Welbaum find a buyer? Probably. If Jackson were smart, he’d buy them outright.


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