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Michael Jackson Document Analysis | Storage Facilities

A Model as it relates to the analysis of a document.


Document Faxed To Our Joint Fax Program - VFA


Main Function |

z = x1y1 + x2y2 + x3y3 +x4y4 + x5y5 + x6y6 + xzyz


MichaelJacksonStorageFacilities = Date1y1 + AddressedTo2y2 + SentFrom3y3 +StorageFacilities4y4 + Associates5y5 + FacilityInformation6y6 + xzyz


Sub Function | 

x1y1 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz 

x2y2 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz

x3y3 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz

x4y4 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz 

x5y5 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz

x6y6 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz


Date1y1 = March 31,20031b1 + azbz


AddressedTo2y2 = DieterWeisner1b1 +azbz


SentFrom3y3 = EvvyTavasci1b1 + azbz


Storage Facilities4y4 = OptimumProductions1b1 + IronMountain2b2 + GunnellProperties3b3 + LosAngelasFacility4b4 + King5b5 +azbz


Associates5y5 = EvvyTavasci1b1 + MikoBrando2b2 + GaryHearne3b3 + DieterWeisner4y4

+ BillBray5b5 + azbz


FacilityInformation6y6 = Hours1b1 + Location2b2 + Contract3b3 + AssociatesAccess3b3 + azbz



Unknown Variables | 


StorageFacilities4y4 = AssociateHouse6b6


AssociateHouse6b6 = CriminalInformation7b7



Associates5y5 = AdditionalAssociatesPresent6y6


 AdditionalAssociatesPresent6y6 = AccessToFacility1b1 + azbz



Associates5y5 = VincentAmen7y7


VincentAmen7y7 = NoAccessToFacility1b1 + azbz




Question of Interest |


What specifically was stored within these Storage Facilities by Michael Jackson and Associates.


Conclusion | 


The analysis of a document using the equilibrium point method provides a meaningful structured analysis.  Only the most trusted by Michael Jackson knew of these storage facilities and were allowed to enter.  Vincent F. Amen did not access the facility and had to wait outside.  Additional Associates were present that day who entered.  An additional storage facility as an unknown variable was an associate's house in another state.

Document Data Bank

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