Diabetes Type 2 Management Model
A model focused on diabetes relating to managing high blood sugar in cases of Type 2 Diabetes.
Main Function |
z = x1y1 + x2y2 + x3y3 + x4y4 + xzyz
Sub Functions |
x1z1 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz
x2z2 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz
x2z2 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz
x4z4 = a1b1 + a2b2 + azbz
xzyz = azbz
Main Function |
diabetes management = diet1y1 + excersise2y2 + weight3y3 + medication4y4 + xzyz
Sub Functions |
diet1y1 = lowcarbohydrate1(250 grams per day)1b1 + vegetarian2(vegetables, min starches)b2 + vegan3(vegetables, min starches, no eggs, honey or dairy)b3 + azbz
excersise2y2 = amountdaily1(30 min daily)b1 + typesofexercise2(aerobic, weightlifting)b2 +azbz
weight3y3 = weightloss1(5% of body weight min)b1 + azbz
medication4y4 = oralpill1(ex. Metformin)b1 + nonisulininjectable2(ex. Victoza, Trulicty)b2 + insulininjectable3(Basal Insulin)b3 + azbz
Unknown Variable Effect
medication4y4 = a4b4
medication4y4 = vitaminstoresupplementb1
a4 = (Berberine, Cinnamon)b4
It cannot be determined the effectiveness of a vitamin store supplement. With this determined, it is an unknown effect variable that can be added to the model once deemed to be an effective means to lowering a1c or fasting glucose.
Question of Interest
Will incorporating all of these diabetes management variables on your lifestyle have a true effect to lower a1c and fasting glucose.
As can be seen, there area limited amount of equilibrium points to managing diabetes. This limited scope provides limited options to the patient. As with prediabetes the medication4y4 variable can be removed from the model. For those who need the medication4y4 variable, this is due to a more advanced progression of diabetes. It seems that more research needs to be completed to add additional variables to the model to have a more effective means to lowering blood sugar and diabetic exposure. More research will also be need to find medicines capable of lowering blood sugar pre-insulin. This is because Insulin is the last measure. If researchers are unable to add additional variables to non medication variables, diabetics must rely on researchers to be mainly focused on medication. The non insulin medication will have to act as an antibiotic to bacteria from many years ago. Progress has been made by researchers however, it is not complete as it stands at the current time.